
Self Assessment Health Calculator for Depression

Depression is a common mental problem, which is currently on rise. Sadness is a human emotion and is a natural reaction to painful circumstances. 'Depression', on the other hand, is a physical illness.

Depression may affect anyone irrespective of age, background, lifestyle or nationality. 15% of people who are depressed commit suicide. Remember Depression is a treatable condition.

This self-assessment questionnaire adopted from the famous Zung Self Rating Depression Scale is a quick, simple and anonymous health tool to assess your level of depression. The result of the score will indicate if you need to seek medical help.

Depression Calculator
Gender Male Female
(Answer all the questions)
 A little of the time
(less than 25%)
Some times
(25 to 50%)
Good part of the time
(50 to 75%)
Most of the time
(75 to 100%)
 I feel down-hearted and blue
 Morning is the time when I feel the best
 I have crying spells or feel like crying
I have trouble sleeping at night
 I eat as much as I used to.
 I still enjoy sex
 I notice that I am losing weight
 I have trouble with constipation
 My heart beats faster than usual
 I get tired for no reason
 My mind is as clear as it used to be
 I find it easy to do the things I used to
 I am restless and can't keep still
 I feel hopeful about the future
 I am more irritable than usual
 I find it easy to make decisions
 I feel that I am useful and needed
 My life is pretty full
 I feel that others would be better off if I were dead
 I still enjoy the things I used to do

Depression- A Holistic Approach


Alarming Depression Numbers

  1. In 2020, the number of people suffering from depression surpassed 264 million globally(1 Trusted Source
    Depressive disorder (depression)

    Go to source
  2. Almost 800,000 people lose their lives due to suicide every year ,and depression is a major contributor to this global tragedy(2 Trusted Source

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  3. It has been found that among adolescents aged 12 to 17, the prevalence of major depressive episodes increased by a staggering 52.5% between 2005 and 2017(3 Trusted Source
    National Trends in the Prevalence and Treatment of Depression in Adolescents and Young Adults

    Go to source
  4. Depression symptoms tripled during the COVID pandemic compared to the pre-pandemic(4 Trusted Source
    Prevalence of Depression Symptoms in US Adults Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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  5. Healthcare workers have borne a heavy burden duroing COVI-19 pandemic , with 22.8% experiencing depression(5 Trusted Source
    Prevalence of depression, anxiety, and insomnia among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis

    Go to source

Interesting Facts :

Depression is more common in women than men.
Depression today is 10 times more common than it was in 1945.
Stress and Trauma are the major reasons for depressive illness.
Some people are genetically predisposed to develop depression; however it is usually triggered by a traumatic or a stressful event.
Depression is treatable condition but the majority (80%) of depressed people do not seek medical help.
Antidepressants are effective in only 30 to 45% of the depressed people. Hence a supportive physician and monitoring the patients with care is important.

  • 1. Depressive disorder (depression)
  • 2. Suicide
  • 3. National Trends in the Prevalence and Treatment of Depression in Adolescents and Young Adults
  • 4. Prevalence of Depression Symptoms in US Adults Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • 5. Prevalence of depression, anxiety, and insomnia among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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jagadeesh-thiyagarajan, India

I recommend this calculator to my friends because I use it frequently and it answers all of my questions.

zanetarub, India

Does mild depression can be cured with counselling

hamsa_2022, India

can u suggest tips to overcome depression

hamsa_2022, India

This really helped me to know my mental state

bigfrankyg, Japan

Interesting to note that medications are effective 30% to 45% of cases when used. I consider myself lucky then! The first ssri I tried worked and continues to work very well. Alot has to do with my attitude toward the medication though, if I was taking it as an order, I don't know if it would be as effective. I actually sought a candidate med, then consulted my doctor.

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Consult Psychiatrists Online

Dr. Bhushan Ambadkar
Dr. Bhushan Ambadkar
12 years experience
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Dr. Srinivas Kandregula
Dr. Srinivas  Kandregula
10 years experience
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Dr. Gayathri Vijayalakshmi
Dr. Gayathri Vijayalakshmi
12 years experience
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Dr. Ikhlaq A Choudhary
Dr. Ikhlaq A Choudhary
11 years experience
Health Square Mohali, Near Buffet Hut
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